Thriving, not just surviving

Thriving, not just surviving


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Debbie Wallace, Europcar Mobility Group UK’s Head of SME discusses the options for improving utilisation of your fleet in a post-COVID world

75% of the fleet managers we questioned said that the pandemic had required them to undertake a fleet policy review, with 43% saying that delivering fleet efficiencies through pro-active management was one of their top priorities.

So, as we all navigate a new commercial landscape, how can fleets ensure that they stay as agile and as flexible as possible – so that their businesses can thrive and are prepared to take on, not only the challenges of the next 12 months but the opportunities too?

Our research highlighted an optimism amongst fleet managers, with 52% of those surveyed saying that they were looking at increasing the number of vehicles in their fleet. But undoubtedly, the financial impact of the pandemic has hit many businesses hard and along with new rules and regulations coming into play because of Brexit, the need to make every penny count means that optimal use of vehicle resources will be key to the ongoing success for many companies.

Who for example, wants to waste money on having to pay termination fees on leased vehicles? Something 52% of our survey admitted to having done.

A more cost-effective method of accessing a wide range of up-to-date vehicles, with a variety of mileage options, is through flexible long-term rentals – with no need for a potentially onerous financial commitment. And with the challenges of interrupted supply lines to new or replacement vehicles faced by 62% of our survey respondents, vehicle hire also helps plug that gap with minimum disruption to day-to-day business operations.

The sustainability agenda has also become an ever-increasing focus in the way fleet managers operate, with 70% of our survey respondents reporting that their overall company sustainability policy affects how they acquire and manage their fleets.

At Europcar Mobility Group UK we work with our customers to provide long-term solutions that give businesses options. The ability to expand and contract vehicle fleets as and when demand requires, offers an important level of flexibility so businesses can concentrate on doing the day job and looking after their customers.

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