How can you reduce your fuel consumption?

How can you reduce your fuel consumption?


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Drivers are increasingly wondering how they can reduce their fuel consumption, both for economic reasons and for the environment. But despite good intentions, it’s not always easy to actually do it. Here are a few tips to help you drive more eco-friendly.

Smoother driving

One of the first things you can think about to reduce fuel consumption is speed. Did you know that you can save 20% fuel by reducing your cruising speed by 20 km/h? By using engine braking and anticipating more when slowing down, you drive more calmly and economically.

It’s best to shift to a higher gear at around 2,000 revolutions per minute. For those who drive a lot, cruise control can be a great help.

What to do when stationary

When you have to wait to cross, or if you’re stuck in traffic or at a rather slow traffic light: turn off the engine when you’re stationary for more than 30 seconds, and you can save up to 15% of precious fuel.

Cars with a Stop&start system (also known as a standby system) do this automatically when you’re stationary.

Be sparing with the air conditioning

You don’t always think about it, but the air conditioning can consume up to 0.8 liters more fuel per 100 km.

So, it’s better to open the windows when you’re not driving too fast, as that can be enough to cool down. When you’re in traffic, set the ventilation to “recycle” so you don’t breathe in the exhaust fumes from other cars while refreshing the air inside the car.

Watch the car’s load

Do you see that lawnmower or moving box that’s been in the trunk for months? The weight and load of your car have a significant impact on fuel consumption in the long run: make sure your trunk and back seat aren’t loaded with unnecessary things during your daily trips.

Optimize your routes

You can also save fuel by taking the best routes. Keep an eye on the traffic information for your route.

Find an alternative route, or leave at a different time when traffic jams are predicted. Also, consider the number of passengers per car and per trip.

With all these tips, you’ll drive better and save money! The planet will thank you!

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