Extra charges may apply to options you select, if you do not return the vehicle to the same pick up location or return the vehicle late, or if you do not return the vehicle full of fuel unless the prepaid fuel option is purchased, or if you incur infringements or use toll roads. Valid to all passenger vehicle classes, including prestige.
Standard passenger vehicles include unlimited kilometres in metropolitan areas for up to 14 days, 200km per day for rentals in Country areas and 100km per day in Remote areas.
For prestige vehicles 1-29 days 200 kms free per day, 30+ days 100 kms free per day with additional kilometres charged per kilometre.
If there is Damage, theft of the Vehicle or Third Party Loss you must also pay up to the standard Damage Liability Fee (DLF).
Optional Damage Cover Products may be purchased to reduce your liability, but there may be no cover under some circumstances.
More Info. For more information refer to the Terms and Conditions of Rental.