Tipo de cookie | Nome decookie | Cookie vendor | Descrição/Objectivo do cookie | Duração | Transferências de dados para fora da UE? |
Necessário | auth.strategy | nuxtJS | This cookie is necessary to allow you to log on to our website. | Sessão | No |
EuropcarLocale | Europcar Mobility Group | This cookie is used to retrieve and store the display language for the duration of your session. | 1 dia | No | |
JSESSIONID | Europcar Mobility Group | This cookie allows you to keep your settings during your navigation. | Sessão | No | |
synchronize | Europcar Mobility Group | This cookie is used to synchronize the various technical modules on our site. | Sessão | No | |
TS015d1c25 | Europcar Mobility Group | This cookie is necessary to manage network traffic and avoid overloads. | Sessão | No | |
ak_bmsc | Akamai | This cookie is used to track the progress of the session going through the standard detection workflow. When present, it is also used as the identifier instead of the IP address for the bot rate control rules. | 2 horas | USA | |
bm_mi | Akamai | This cookie is used to track the progress of the session through the browser validation detection method. | 2 horas | USA | |
bm_sv | Akamai | This cookie is used as part of the session validation detection method and keeps track of the number of HTML pages and Ajax requests the client makes. | 2 horas | USA | |
bm_sz | Akamai | This cookie is used as part of the behavior anomaly detection method of Bot Manager Premier, it is also known as the short term cookie. It references the telemetry collected during the session. | 4 horas | USA | |
sec_cpt | Akamai | This cookie is used as part of the challenge action (Captcha, PoW, behavioral) available in the behavior anomaly detection method of Bot Manager Premier. This cookie tracks the state of the challenge process. | 5 - 120 min | USA | |
ak_wfSession | Akamai | This cookie is used as part of the Bot Manager Standard and Bot Manager Premier workflow validation feature | 2 horas | USA | |
Didomi_cookies | Didomi | This cookie is used to transmit your consent to Didomi. | 1 ano | No | |
Didomi_token | Didomi | This cookie contains consent information for personalized purposes and for personalized partners, as well as information specific to Didomi (e.g. user ID). | 1 ano | No | |
euconsent-v2 | Didomi | This cookie contains the chain of consent for the IAB's "Transparency and consent framework" as well as the consent information for all IAB standards (partners and purposes). | 1 ano | No | |
Estatísticas | ABTastySession | AB Tasty | This cookie is used to identify a unique session. It allows us to determine that a new session is starting for a given user. | 1 ano | No |
_ga | Google | This cookie stores a unique identifier used to generate statistical data about how you use our site. | 2 years | USA | |
_ga_# | Google | This cookie is used by Google Analytics to collect data on the number of times you have visited our site as well as the dates of your first and most recent visits. | 2 anos | USA | |
_gat | Google | This cookie is used by Google Analytics to reduce the query rate. | 1 dia | USA | |
_gid | Google | This cookie stores a unique identifier that is used to generate statistical data about how you use our site. | 1 dia | USA | |
dtCookie | Dynatrace | This cookie tracks a visit over multiple requests. We use this cookie to manage the availability and performance of our site. | Sessão | No | |
dtLatC | Dynatrace | This cookie measures server latency for monitoring the performance of our site. | Sessão | No | |
dtPC | Dynatrace | This cookie is required to identify the appropriate endpoints for beacon transmission and includes the session ID for correlation. | Sessão | No | |
dtSA | Dynatrace | This cookie is used as intermediate storage to track your actions. | Sessão | No | |
rxVisitor | Dynatrace | This cookie contains a user ID to track usage of our site over multiple sessions. | 2 anos | No | |
rxVt | Dynatrace | This cookie is used to delay the session. | Sessão | No | |
Marketing | uid | Criteo | This cookie is used to perform ad targeting when you visit our site. | 13 meses | No |
bd4ti bd4 experiment data | BD4 TRAVEL | These cookies are used to provide recommendations on the vehicle models presented to you. | 13 meses | No | |
_glc_au | Google | This cookie is used by Google AdSense to test the effectiveness of ads on websites using these services, it is the first cookie for the "Conversion Linker" feature, which takes information from ad clicks and stores it in a first-party cookie so that conversions can be attributed off the landing page. | 13 meses | USA | |
_cs_c | Content Square | This cookie is used by Content Square to record your consent to track your behavior. | 13 meses | No | |
_fbp | Facebook | This cookie is used by Facebook to provide a range of advertising products such as real-time bidding from third-party advertisers. | 1 ano | No | |
_cs_id | Content Square | This cookie records statistical data about your behavior on the website. | 13 meses | No | |
intercom-session-k7su1ekb | Intercom | This cookie uniquely identifies you and allows us to personalize the display and keep a history of conversations for up to 7 days after the display and conversation with you. | 7 dias | USA | |
intercom-device-id-k7su1ekb | Intercom | This cookie is used to identify the device interacting with the Messenger in order to improve security. | 9 meses | USA | |
intercom-id-k7su1ekb | Intercom | This cookie uniquely identifies you and allows us to personalize the display and our conversation when you use the online chat | 9 meses | USA | |
_cs_s | Content Square | This cookie is used to identify how often you visit our site and for how long. | 1 dia | USA | |
_cs_mk_ga | Content Square | This cookie ensures Google Analytics dimensions and eVars are set only once every 30 minutes | 30 minutes | No | |
muid | Bing | This cookie allows Microsoft Bing to track your behavior in order to deliver targeted ads. | 13 meses | USA | |
Europcar Iadvize | iAdvize | This cookie uniquely identifies you and allows us to personalize the display and our conversation when you use the online chat. | 1 mês | No | |
iadvize-1245 | iAdvize | This cookie uniquely identifies you and allows us to personalize the display and our conversation when you use the online chat. | 13 meses | No | |
NID | Google | This cookie contains a unique identifier to remember your preferences and other information such as language choice, number of search results to display on the page. | 6 meses | USA | |
_uetsid | Bing | This cookie allows us to interact with you if you have visited our site before. | 1 dia | USA | |
_uetvid | Bing | This cookie allows us to interact with you if you have visited our site before. | 21 dias | USA | |
_gid | Google | This cookie distinguishes between unique users and pages that users have viewed. | 1 dia | USA | |
cto_bundle | Criteo | This cookie is used for advertising retargeting. | 13 meses | USA | |
OGPC | Google | The purpose of this cookie is to enable Google maps functionality. It is used to store your preferences and information when a page with Google maps is viewed. | 13 meses | USA | |
IDE | Google | This cookie is used by Google Analytics to send you advertising. | 13 meses | USA | |
DV | Google | This cookie contains a unique identifier to remember your preferences and other information such as language choice, number of search results to display on the page. | 6 horas | USA | |
HSID | Google | This cookie is used to authenticate you and ensure that only you as the account holder can identify yourself. | 2 anos | USA | |
HSID | Google | This cookie is used to authenticate you and ensure that only you as the account holder can identify yourself. | 2 anos | USA | |
__Secure-3PSIDCC __Secure-1PAPISID SAPISID | Google | These cookies build up a list of your interests when you visit the site to display relevant and personalized ads through retargeting. | 2 anos | USA | |
SID | Google | This cookie is used to authenticate you and ensure that only you can access it. | 2 anos | USA | |
APISID | Google | This cookie is used to play Youtube videos embedded in the website. | 2 anos | USA | |
tc_cj_v2 | Tagcommander | This cookie is used to record user navigation (acquisition channels and traffic sources). | 1 ano | No | |
visitor_id-hash | Pardot | The hash cookie contains the account ID and stores a unique hash code. For example, the cookie named visitor_idxxxx-hash stores the hash code "855c3697d9979e78ac404c4ba2c66533" and the account ID is xxxx. This cookie is a security measure that prevents a malicious user from impersonating a business customer and accessing the corresponding prospect's information. | 1 ano | No | |
TDCPM TDID | .adsrvr.org | These cookies store a unique identifier that allows us to recognize you when you return to our site. The unique identifier is used for targeted advertising. | 1 ano | No | |
TC_PAGES_VIEWED | Tagcommander | This cookie is used to count the number of pages you have viewed. | Sessão | No | |
1P_JAR | Google | This Google Analytics cookie is used to track you, serve personalized ads and target those ads. | 1 mês | USA | |
TD_UNIQUE_IMP | Avent Media | The unique impression cookie contains the programs of the ads viewed as well as the time the ad was viewed. This information is used to identify unique ad views. | 30 dias | No | |
TD_PIC | Avent Media | The post-print cookie contains information about ad views for organizations that have enabled post-print tracking. | 72 horas | No | |
TradedoublerGUID | Avent Media | The GUID cookie contains an identifier to store the user's event history on the server. | 30 days | No | |
TD_EH | Avent Media | The event history cookie contains information about the last three clicks. This information is used to be able to link clicks to closures. | 30 dias | No
| |
TD_UNIQUE_IMP | Avent Media | The unique impression cookie contains the programs of the ads viewed as well as the time the ad was viewed. This information is used to identify unique ad views. | 30 days | No | |
TD_UNIQUE_IMP | Avent Media | The unique impression cookie contains the programs of the ads viewed as well as the time the ad was viewed. This information is used to identify unique ad views. | 30 dias | No | |
TD_PIC | Avent Media | The post-print cookie contains information about ad views for organizations that have enabled post-print tracking. | 72 horas | No | |
taboola_session_id | Taboola | This cookie creates a temporary session ID to avoid the display of duplicate recommendations on the page. | sessão | No | |
taboola_select | Taboola | This cookie maintains a record of whether you performed an action in the “Taboola Select” feature. | 1 ano | No | |
taboola_fp_td_user_id | Taboola | This cookie indicates that you rclicked on an item that was recommended by Taboola’s Services. This is used for reporting and analytics purposes. | 1 ano | No | |
t_gid | Taboola | This cookie assigns a unique User ID that Taboola uses for attribution and reporting purposes, and to tailor recommendations to a specific user. | 1 ano | No | |
trc_cookie_storage | Taboola | This cookie assigns a unique User ID that is used for attribution and reporting purposes. | 1 ano | No | |
_tb_sess_r | Taboola | This cookie is used on websites of our publisher Customers that utilize the Taboola Newsroom services. It maintains a session reference about your visit to this particular website. | 30 min | No | |
_tb_sess_r | Taboola | This cookie is used on websites of our publisher Customers that utilize the Taboola Newsroom services. It maintains a session reference about your visit to this particular website. | 30 min | No | |
_tb_t_ppg | Taboola | This cookie is used on websites of our publisher Customers that utilize the Taboola Newsroom services. This cookie is used to identify the referring website (i.e. the website that you visited prior to arriving at this publisher’s website). | 30 min | No | |
abLdr | Taboola | This cookie supports routine technical and performance improvements for Taboola’s browser-based Services. | 3 horas | No | |
abMbl | Taboola | This cookie supports routine technical and performance improvements for Taboola’s mobile SDK Services. | 3 horas | No | |
tb_click_param | Taboola | This cookie is used on websites of our publisher Customers that utilize the Taboola Newsroom services. It measures performance of the publisher’s homepage articles that are clicked. | 50 segundos | No | |
taboola global:last-external | Taboola | This cookie is used for attribution purposes to see what link or page led a user to the current page. | Armazenamento local (apagado quando o utilizador o apaga) | No | |
global:last-external-referrer | Taboola | This cookie is used for attribution purposes to see what link or page led a user to the current page. | Armazenamento local (apagado quando o utilizador o apaga) | No | |
ln_or | Linkedin | This cookie is used to determine if Oribi analytics can be carried out on a specific domain | 1 dia | Yes | |
sc_at | Snapchat | This cookie is used to deliver advertisements, to make them more relevant and meaningful to consumers, and to track the performance of advertising campaigns. | 13 meses | Yes | |
TikTok | TikTok | This cookie is used to deliver advertisements, to make them more relevant and meaningful to consumers, and to track the performance of advertising campaigns. | 13 meses | Yes |
Tipo de cookie | Nome decookie | Cookie fornecedor | Descrição/Objectivo do cookie | Duração | Transferências de dados para fora da UE? |
Marketing | Um cookie prefixado com _evga_ | Salesforce | armazena identidades de personalização, como o anónimo ou qualquer ID persistente. | Duração máxima permitida pelo browser | No |
Um cookie prefixado com _sfid_ | Salesforce | armazena quaisquer consentimentos e os seus estados fornecidos ao Web SDK | Duração máxima permitida pelo browser | No |
Type of third party call | Name of the third party call
| Third party call vendor
| Description / Purpose of the third party call
| Duration | Transferts of data outside the EU ?
Necessary | imaqes.ctfassets.net
| Contentful
| This third party call is used for serving the website content
| Session | Yes |
| Contentful
| This third party call is used for serving the website content | Session
| Yes | |
| Launchdarkly | This third party call allows Europcar to coordinate the
rollout of new features of the website. | Session | Yes | |
| Launchdarkly | This third party call allows Europcar to coordinate the
rollout of new features of the website. | Session | Yes | |
sentry.io | Sentry
| This third party call monitors errors that users of our website experience and allows a proactive detection of bugs.
| Session | Yes
| |
| Sentry | This third party call monitors errors that users of our website experience and allows a proactive detection of bugs.
| Session | Yes | |
| Tagcommander
| This third party call is used to manage displaying in particular the consent banner on the website as well as the implementation of tools which are only activated upon consent
| Session | No
| |
| Tagcommander
| This third party call is used to manage displaying in particular the consent banner on the website as well as the implementation of tools which are only activated upon consent
| Session | No | |
| Google Maps
| This third party call is used to show users where Europcar car rental stations are located
| Session | Yes | |
| Google Maps
| This cookie is used as part of the behavior anomaly detection method of Bot Manager Premier, it is also known as the long term cookie. It is used to track a user's past behavior (human / bot) on a protected site. It is also used to control the behavior of the JavaScript on Europcar side, in particular the telemetry collection process and plays a role in the Proof o Work challenge process. | Session | Yes | |
| Google Maps
| This cookie is used as part of the challenge action (Captcha, PoW, behavioral) available in the behavior anomaly detection method of Bot Manager Premier. This cookie tracks the state of the challenge process. | Session | Yes | |
| Google Maps
| This cookie is used as part of the Bot Manager Standard and Bot Manager Premier workflow validation feature | Session | Yes
| |
cloudfront-de-int.Its.emobg.io | Europcar | This cookie is used to transmit your consent to Didomi. | Session | No | |
| Europcar
| This cookie contains consent information for personalized purposes and for personalized partners, as well as information specific to Didomi (e.g. user ID). | Session | No | |
| Europcar
| This cookie contains the chain of consent for the IAB's "Transparency and consent framework" as well as the consent information for all IAB standards (partners and purposes). | Session | USA | |
Marketing | Try.abtasty.com | AB Tasty | This third party call is used to check if there is an eligible AB test for each visitor and shows the randomly assigned design version to each visitor. | Session | No |
dcinfos-cache.abtasty.com | AB Tasty | This third party call is used to check if there is an eligible AB test for each visitor and shows the randomly assigned design version to each visitor. | Session | No |